New Patients

Your First Visit to Westmount Dental Group
Your initial appointment will be a consultation with one of our specialists. The doctor will perform a diagnostic evaluation to determine the nature of your problem. We will review your medical and dental history, symptoms, results of diagnostic tests, and radiographic information from your general dentist and establish the diagnosis and determine the appropriate treatment. The specialist will recommend a treatment plan and inform your general dentist of the same.
Please help us by providing the following information at the time of your consultation:
1. Your referral slip and any X-rays if applicable
2. A list of medications with dosages you are currently taking. if you have been advised by your medical doctor or dentist to use an antibiotic pre-medication, please alert our team
3. If you have dental insurance, please bring your insurance information with you to your consultation. We can send your claim or estimate directly to them electronically if permitted so that you can receive your response quickly.
Please arrive 15-20 minutes early to fill out all necessary paperwork, including your medical/dental history and insurance forms. To save time, we kindly ask that you fill out a New Patient Form and submit it online before your first appointment.
We are a fee-for-service practice. Payment is required in fill at the end of each appointment. We accept Visa, MC, Debit or cash. We also. use a third -party company called iFinance. We do not accept personal checks.
Digital X-Rays
We may need to take digital radiographs at your consultation if necessary, to provide an accurate diagnosis. We will also take X-rays after treatment and as needed during treatment to ensure an appropriate standard of care. We use digital imaging, meaning the exposure is approximately 90% less when compared to traditional radiographs. The x-rays taken at our office will be sent to your family dentist to complete your records.
Cancellation Policy
Your appointment time has been reserved exclusively for your dental care by our professionals, and we encourage you to plan ahead. If you are unable to keep your appointment, we ask that you kindly provide us with two working days notice to avoid a cancellation fee of $150.00. This courtesy on your part will make it possible to give your appointment to another patient in need of care.
Financial Policy
Westmount Dental Group’s fee for services rendered is from the Royal College of Dental Surgeons Specialist Fee Guide 2019. This guide represents our level of expertise and experience. Consideration is also given based on the extent of the treatment.
We are a fee-for-service practice. Payment is required in full at the end of each appointment. We accept Visa, MC, Debit or cash. We also. use a third party company called iFinance. We do not accept personal cheques.
Please bring your insurance information with you to the consultation. As a courtesy, we will submit your claim directly to your insurance company. The insurance company will reimburse you directly.
Insurance Information
Our team at Westmount Dental Group will make every effort to provide you with the finest care and the most convenient financial options. If you have dental insurance, we will submit your claim electronically so that you get reimbursed quickly.
Please remember that you are fully responsible for all fees charged by Westmount Dental Group regardless of your insurance coverage.
We accept Visa, MC, Debit or cash. We also. use a third-party company called iFinance. We do not accept personal checks.